Monday, June 15, 2009

Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, and The Grand Canyon

We left Vegas tired but satisfied. Gambling wise, as a group I believe we were even- if not, up.

After I got my morning poker fix, we left around noon. Once again, the Rover was absent of any estrogen. G, L, A,D and C remain...we sound like a gay vitamin rock group (ED: look up GLAD if you didn't get that joke). The temperature soared to 100 degrees. Inside the rover, the thermostat flirted with 110. To Lake Mead for a refreshing swim.

I had heard prior to the trip that the beautiful blue water of this mammoth lake made it worth the stop. It lived up to the expectations although in that weather, after 2 nights in Vegas, I was ready for anything. Even one more bath in the Mississippi.

We waded into the placid lake slowly because the consistency of the ground gripped our feet like quicksand. I reached to the bottom with both hands and pulled up a clump of muck. I naturally sculpted it like a snowball and unloaded on the nearest unsuspecting troubadour. Welcomed friendly fire broke out. It's all fun and games until someone takes some muck to the mouth.

We cleaned up in the crystal clear water and packed back into our dry, boiling hot vehicle. After battling with high winds on the desert highway which the RV's body caught like a spinnaker, we came upon the famed Hoover Dam. Frankly, I expected it to be much larger. It was incredible, but I suppose Transformers and other Hollywood depictions prepared me for something unfathomable. A new suspention bridge casted a shadow upon the dam. The 1/2 complete U.S. 93 Hoover Dam Bypass Project was impressive (check it out:

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